

  • Victoria Park Bioblitz was lots of fun and a big community event. It enabled 900 people to discover more about local wildlife. These included 420 primary school children who took part in ecology fieldwork and workshops, their teachers and parents, 60 amazing volunteers and 400 local park users.
  • We also took part in real citizen science.
  • The bioblitz species list will help improve management of the park for wildlife.
  • The data has been shared with local and national wildlife groups including the Biological Records Centre, Bristol Regional Environmental Records Centre, Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, NBN Gateway, Bristol City Council and recording societies. This will help with conservation and scientific research.


“It is much easier to get rid of things that one does not even recognise as being there... it is much harder not to care about things one has spent time studying.” 
– Naturalist John Anderson, author of 'A History of Natural History'.

Freelance Ecologist, Journalist and Educator

Bringing wildlife closer


I would like to thank everyone who has taken part, including our 60 amazing volunteers, 
Bristol Naturalists' Society, Bristol Natural History Consortium and their volunteers, Victoria Park Action Group volunteers, Avon Wildlife Trust, Avon Bat Group, Hedgehog Rescue, Mrs Brown’s Café, the parents, staff and children of St Mary Redcliffe Primary School and the Field Studies Council.